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Frischepost Frischepost

Frischepost delivers local food directly from the farmer to the urban end-consumers. The company creates extensive transparency about the origin and the manufacture of each product and achieves revolutionary freshness…

Year founded
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Consumer Goods
Mighty Well Mighty Well

Mighty Well is the kind of company that springs up when impressive women with great ideas devote themselves to helping others. It’s a motivational business with outstanding aims. Mighty Well…

Year founded
Emily Levy
Shared: 1 Viewed: 1091
Beryl Beryl

Beryl is a brilliant cycling company whose goals are local, global and totally humane. Its main ambition is to make cities greener by contributing to an urban transport system that…

Year founded
Shared: 3 Viewed: 2460
Environmental Services
Gruten Gruten

Founded by the irrepressible Siri Mittet, Gruten is a fabulous venture recycling something that many of us don’t spend a second thinking about – used coffee grounds. In Norway alone…

Year founded
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What do a banana peel and a Tipa Bio-Plastic pouch have in common? Wait for it! They both decompose in a compost pile. Compostable pro-plastic packaging from Tipa feels like…

Year founded
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Art & Design
Somadome Somadome

Sparked by a dream in 1996, the vision of the Somadome was born out of a genuine desire to provide a safe space to go within and access a world…

Year founded
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01 15 16 17 18 19 21

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