Eve Medical

Eve Medical

  • IndustryMedical
  • Year founded2010
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About Us

When it comes to cervical cancer screening one thing is common knowledge among women – it isn’t a comfortable experience. Many women put it off for as long as possible or don’t get checked at all!

It was when she was still at university that the founder of Eve Medical, Jessica Ching, realised that this was a problem that needed a solution. As any doctor will tell you, early screening is the best form of medical care when it comes to issues like cervical cancer.

A swab taken in the very early stages can detect the HPV virus that is the common cause of cervical cancer. Action taken here can stop the problem getting bigger.

Jessica, a product designer, set about designing a prototype for a home screening kit that women could comfortably use at home. This developed into the Eve-kit which has been designed to ensure that the whole process is comfortable and doesn’t feel like a medical process at all.

The hope is that this will revolutionise the process of swab tests for women and encourage more women to get tested.

  • Healthcare
  • Infection Detection
  • Medical
  • Women
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