

  • IndustryCyber Security
  • Year founded2016
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About Us

The biggest threat to cybersecurity around the world isn’t rogue states, malware or criminals hacking authentication procedures. Rather alarmingly, the biggest threat is a lack of security adoption by users and the basic errors made by everyday users.

Simply put, many systems are difficult to use. Others simply take too much time to use! This is the problem that Futurae is seeking to change.

Its starting point is that there is a hacker attack somewhere in the world every 39 seconds (cybintsolutions). Therefore, it is important for individuals, businesses and organisations to be aware of their cyber security and the importance of implementing authentication solutions to help combat. As more and more of us start to interact and engage with our data and organisations online, finding a solution to the ‘user-generated cybersecurity problem’ is increasingly important.

What everyone wants is great security AND usability.

Futurae reckons it has reached this holy grail! It has created an innovative cybersecurity technology system that is simple for users to master and which also delivers bank grade security technology options.

Futurae’s mission is to become the new standard in cybersecurity. We’re not betting against them!

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