Priscilla Hazel is a woman with passion, drive and a great spirit. She is not only an inspiration to work with, she is great fun too.
Hardworking and unafraid of a challenge, Priscilla is a keen advocate for innovation in her businesses and this is clear throughout her all her career collaborations and endeavors.
Tress is the app we are talking about here and now, but Priscilla has been part of many innovations including Audry, an app that was designed to capture memories. She was also involved in Prepa, an educational app to help students study for their final exams.
But, back toTress. This is a fantastic app that brings together the best in social community and hairstyle inspiration. Aimed at black women to help them not only take care of their hair but to love and enjoy it as they do. It allows women to narrow down hairstyles they love and then find the name, location of the salon, or the stylist that created it. It is already taking the world by storm.