
  • IndustryInformation Technology
  • Year founded2013
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About Us

Everything is online nowadays, so why not lost and found items? It’s a brilliant idea and Ilost is making it a reality.

But how will that work, I hear you say? Well, quite easily. Imagine this scenario:  You lose your car keys on the way home from a holiday. You could have lost them at the airport, train station, the shopping centre you walked through, or the bus. So…you go online, write a description about where you lost them and what they look like and wait for the website to do the rest. When the keys turn up, you can even get them delivered to your door.

This is the system that Ilost has put into action. And it is trying to convince train stations, hotels, airports, taxi companies, schools, theme parks and everyone else to sign up to its service. It wants to create the biggest and best online lost and found database to ensure you can get reunited with whatever you lose, wherever you lose it.

  • IT
  • Lost & Found
  • Posessions
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