Mighty Well

Mighty Well

  • IndustryConsumer Goods
  • Year founded2016
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About Us

Mighty Well is the kind of company that springs up when impressive women with great ideas devote themselves to helping others. It’s a motivational business with outstanding aims.

Mighty Well was launched with one simple goal – to enhance the lives of people with a chronic health condition. To do this, it has created a collection of attractive products that patients with long term conditions need to use everyday. Products such as diabetes backpacks, medicine organisers, PICC line covers (these cover a tube/needle that goes into a vein and are worn on the arm), refill pouches and all types of other medical paraphernalia.

Until Mighty Well got involved in this sector, these types of products were often intrusive, ugly and so indiscreet that they often forced the user to become fixated on their illness. Founder Emily Levy remembers these old-school products because she initially had to use them when she was diagnosed with chronic neurological Lyme disease. She was even advised to cover the PICC line in her arm with a sock to hide its unsightly look. Of course, what she really wanted was something that would give her a boost, something chic and smart. Something that would enable her to feel free to live her life without feeling defined by the illness.

This was the spark that led to Might Well, and its fair to say that her initial goals have already been reached. Mighty Well’s products are funky, stylish and very desirable.

  • Caregiver
  • Health
  • Patient
  • Wellness
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