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Consumer Goods
Location: UK

Fluss is a personal hygiene company redefining the new ‘good enough’. They’ve developed the market’s only certified flushable and 100% biodegradable and microplastic-free sanitary pads. Disintegrating away within minutes down…

Year founded2017
Location: UK
Shared: 0 Viewed: 1910
Wellness & Fitness
Location: South Africa
South Africa

Swimma was founded by one mother’s frustration over not been able to find a swimming cap that could fit over her long locs and her daughter’s afro hair. So she…

Year founded2016
Location: South Africa
Shared: 0 Viewed: 1417
Wellness & Fitness
Location: Germany

Have you ever thought about what happens to your yoga mat when you stop using it? The sustainable yoga mat from hejhej wants to give you exactly this food for…

Year founded2017
Location: Germany
Shared: 0 Viewed: 908
Location: UK

If you’re living with an arthritic condition or trying to recover from joint surgery, you should take a keener interest in Arthronica. It is a digital health tech start-up that…

Year founded2017
Location: UK
Shared: 0 Viewed: 633
Location: United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Yes Yes Company
Yes Yes Company

People are constantly monitoring and analysing the ingredients and components that go into so many of the products they use. Foods, clothes, toys, paints…you name it, someone has decided to…

Year founded2003
FounderSusi Lennox
Location: United Kingdom
Shared: 0 Viewed: 734
01 02 03

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