
  • IndustryMedical Device
  • Year founded2015
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About Us

As any doctor or health professional will tell you, prevention really is the best medicine. The business idea at Siren is based around this simple truth.

Siren produces smart foot textiles (that’s socks to folks like you and me) for patients with diabetes.  Diabetes can result in peripheral neuropathy – this develops when nerves in the body’s extremities – hands, feet, arms – get damaged. Left untreated, patients run the risk of developing serious complications, such as foot ulcers or amputations. In the UK alone, 1 in 10 people over 55 are affected by peripheral neuropathy.

Siren’s product helps patients monitor their feet daily. It has sensors that check foot temperature continuously, providing doctors with information that can help them identify signs of inflammation or injury (temperature monitoring, in contrast to visual checks alone, has been shown to improve outcomes related to ulcers by 87%).

The system is so simple that it runs on an App on your phone (of course it does!).

Patients slip on the socks which are ‘so comfortable’ they don’t even notice the embedded sensors. If the sensors notice anything, the App sends a message to the patient and their doctor. Early preventative treatment can then begin.

The product is something of a game-changer for a serious and pervasive illness that affects millions.

  • Eco-Friendly
  • Fuels
  • Receycled Waste
  • Renewable Energy
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