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Consumer Goods
Location: UK

Fluss is a personal hygiene company redefining the new ‘good enough’. They’ve developed the market’s only certified flushable and 100% biodegradable and microplastic-free sanitary pads. Disintegrating away within minutes down…

Year founded2017
Location: UK
Shared: 0 Viewed: 1911
Location: UK
Light Garden Wellness Co
Light Garden Wellness Co

Battling with anxiety and chronic stress? Light Garden Wellness is an award-winning self-care and CBD company created to help ambitious humans with high functioning anxiety achieve inner calm, experience more…

Year founded2021
FounderIrene Moore
Location: UK
Shared: 1 Viewed: 1574
Location: UK

At Byway, we help customers explore the world by travelling through it, not flying over it. Our mission: to make flight-free travel mainstream. Byway offers joyful holidays by train, boat…

Year founded2020
Location: UK
Shared: 2 Viewed: 1176
Apparel & Fashion
Location: US

Alivia is a direct-to-consumer contemporary apparel brand making radiant womenswear inspired by the expressions of creators with developmental disabilities.  Alivia gives a voice and platform to those with disabilities, sharing…

Year founded2018
Location: US
Shared: 0 Viewed: 1235
Health & Wellbeing
Location: UK
Holly Health
Holly Health

The Holly Health app is a science-backed digital health coach that supports you with personalised and adaptive habit recommendations and reminders. Combining psychology with technology, Holly Health supports individuals to prioritise, achieve, and…

Year founded2023
FounderGrace Gimson
Location: UK
Shared: 1 Viewed: 957
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