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Location: USA

Pixc is an innovative photo-editing service that everyone who trades online should think about using. Simply put, it enables internet retailers to turn bog-standard photographs and images into awesome ones,…

Year founded2013
FounderHolly Cardew
Location: USA
Shared: 0 Viewed: 673
Environmental Services
Location: USA

Aclima delivers hyperlocal air pollution and climate emissions data and insights to improve human and planetary health. Corporate ambitions and company goals just don’t get much better than this. Through…

Year founded2010
FounderDavida Herzl
Location: USA
Shared: 0 Viewed: 687
Human Resources
Location: Denmark
Develop Diverse
Develop Diverse

Develop Diverse wants to make your business more profitable and innovative. It wants you  to be focused on maximising productivity, better at understanding your customers and to outperform your peer…

Year founded2017
Location: Denmark
Shared: 0 Viewed: 1341

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