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Food & Beverages
Location: USA
Partake Foods
Partake Foods

Living with food allergies can make you feel cut off from the rest of the world. Finding fun, easy, healthy foods that you can trust — and that your kids…

Year founded2016
Location: USA
Shared: 0 Viewed: 1320
Food Production
Location: USA
The Food Corridor
The Food Corridor

The Food Corridor’s mission is to be the world’s premier virtual food hub, enabling efficiency, growth, and innovation in local food systems. That’s the big business dream. But, we love…

Year founded2015
Location: USA
Shared: 0 Viewed: 797
Location: UK

FullGreen is brand behind the world’s first long-life, easy-cook cauliflower rice – a low carb, sensible mealtime alternative to rice, potatoes or pasta. A pack of Cauli Rice is a…

Year founded2013
FounderGem Misa
Location: UK
Shared: 0 Viewed: 627
Location: UK

Picking through racks of produce to find “beautiful” fruit or veg has become a THING – with no real reason to justify it on any grounds you care to think…

Year founded2013
FounderIlana Taub
Location: UK
Shared: 0 Viewed: 653
Food Production
Location: South Africa
South Africa
Gourmet Grubb
Gourmet Grubb

Meat has become an increasingly problematic source of protein, vitamins, and minerals for Planet Earth. It is the cause of harmful emissions into the atmosphere. Forests are destroyed to make…

Year founded2017
FounderLeah Bessa
Location: South Africa
Shared: 0 Viewed: 988
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