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Social Impact
Location: Norway
The Next Billion
The Next Billion

We’re a for-impact first, profit driven company on a bold mission to close the visibility gap for women in business globally: empowering the next billion women entrepreneurs, producers, manufacturers, business…

Year founded2014
Location: Norway
Shared: 2 Viewed: 21252
Location: USA
Rebel Girls
Rebel Girls

Year founded2012
FounderElena Favili
Location: USA
Shared: 0 Viewed: 893
Altså Magazine Altså Magazine

Altså is a quarterly feminist magazine which launched on 8th March 2019, coinciding with International Women’s Day. Founder, Ida Eliassen-Coker, has set out her mission to bring the latest, most…

Year founded2019
Shared: 0 Viewed: 792

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