As any doctor or health professional will tell you, prevention really is the best medicine. The business idea at Siren is based around this simple truth. Siren produces smart foot…
No Isolation is a Norwegian startup looking to end loneliness through the power of technology. Ending loneliness is a massive undertaking but No Isolation have no hesitation taking a leap…
Pixc is an innovative photo-editing service that everyone who trades online should think about using. Simply put, it enables internet retailers to turn bog-standard photographs and images into awesome ones,…
Aclima delivers hyperlocal air pollution and climate emissions data and insights to improve human and planetary health. Corporate ambitions and company goals just don’t get much better than this. Through…
Mental Canvas is a software company that is developing a new class of graphical-media-design system that lies between today’s 2D digital draw-and-paint systems and 3D computer-aided design systems, combining the…