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Cape Town
Nomvuyo Treffers
Wellness & Fitness
Nomvuyo Treffers
Founder Swimma
Nomvuyo Treffers is the creator of Swimma, a brand of swimming caps designed specifically for hairstyles like dreadlocks, braids, Afros as well as weaves. Photo credit: Flourish Africa…
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Sophie Zepnik
Wellness & Fitness
Sophie Zepnik
Co-Founder hejhej-mats
Anna Souvignier and I started to develop hejhej-mats during our Master Programme in Leadership for Sustainability in Sweden. With hejhej-mats we are offering the first holistic closed-looped yoga mat. This means, our yoga mats are not only…
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Anna Souvignier
Wellness & Fitness
Anna Souvignier
Co-Founder hejhej-mats
hejhej is the first closed-loop yoga brand. We are not only creating a full circle with our products but social and ecological value.Sophie Zepnik and I started to develop hejhej-mats during our Master Programme in Leadership for…
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Zurich, Switzerland
Erin Chen
Erin Chen
Founder Gilly
Erin is an advocate for the inclusion of sexual wellness as part of everyday healthy living. She holds a Masters degree in Sexual Health Counselling from the University of Sydney. Erin is also the founder of Gilly, an intimacy wellness…
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Newport, USA
Emily Levy
Emily Levy
Founder & CEO Mighty Well
In 2017, only 2% of venture capital spending went to female-founded companies. Emily Levy, who leads Mighty Well, was one of those women, with investors to date including Breakaway Ventures, Tim Draper, and Republic. Emily has…
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