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Computer Software
Location: Denmark
Easy Size
Easy Size

Easysize was founded in 2014 with the express wish to reduce unnecessary returns in fashion. This is a serious issue. Nearly 20–25% of fashion items bought online are returned and…

Year founded2014
Location: Denmark
Shared: 0 Viewed: 657
Location: Norway
AWAN (As We Are Now)
AWAN (As We Are Now)

Why do women feel the need to change clothes when we come home? We believe that it is our need to let go of the day and feel free –…

Year founded2018
Location: Norway
Shared: 0 Viewed: 808
Information Technology
Location: Norway
Think Outside
Think Outside

Can technology from a dirty industry like oil exploration help skiers and local authorities save lives? Yes, of course it can. For the last 40 years a large portion of…

Year founded2017
Location: Norway
Shared: 0 Viewed: 977
Food Production
Location: South Africa
South Africa
Gourmet Grubb
Gourmet Grubb

Meat has become an increasingly problematic source of protein, vitamins, and minerals for Planet Earth. It is the cause of harmful emissions into the atmosphere. Forests are destroyed to make…

Year founded2017
FounderLeah Bessa
Location: South Africa
Shared: 0 Viewed: 987
Location: USA
Scout & Cellar
Scout & Cellar

Scout & Cellar have a collection of wines that are curated with love, care,  and, above all, attention to both the process and the ingredients. This is what makes their…

Year founded2017
Location: USA
Shared: 0 Viewed: 658
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