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Location: USA

The commercial flower industry is a bit weird. Flowers last anywhere from 3-14 days. If you like flowers in your house, the hope is that they really will last up…

Year founded2014
FounderDanit Zamir
Location: USA
Shared: 0 Viewed: 688
Location: South Africa
South Africa

One of the hardest and most dangerous things that women in rural parts of Africa experience is gathering the most basic of resources: food, water and biomass for heat. This…

Year founded2008
Location: South Africa
Shared: 0 Viewed: 625
Information Technology
Location: Norway
Think Outside
Think Outside

Can technology from a dirty industry like oil exploration help skiers and local authorities save lives? Yes, of course it can. For the last 40 years a large portion of…

Year founded2017
Location: Norway
Shared: 0 Viewed: 977
Food Production
Location: South Africa
South Africa
Gourmet Grubb
Gourmet Grubb

Meat has become an increasingly problematic source of protein, vitamins, and minerals for Planet Earth. It is the cause of harmful emissions into the atmosphere. Forests are destroyed to make…

Year founded2017
FounderLeah Bessa
Location: South Africa
Shared: 0 Viewed: 988
Location: Spain

SocialCar is the world’s first peer-to-peer car-sharing company. That’s usually all one needs to know. You rent a car from another person that owns a car via the internet. However,…

Year founded2011
Location: Spain
Shared: 0 Viewed: 756
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Undiscovered Companies

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