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San Francisco, USA
Davida Herzl
Artificial Intelligance
Davida Herzl
Co Founder & CEO Aclima
Davida Herzl is the CEO and co-founder of Aclima and it’s her personal mission to build a more environmentally intelligent society. Aclima delivers hyperlocal air pollution and climate emissions data and insights to improve human and…
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San Francisco, USA
Erin Houston
Apparel & Fashion
Erin Houston
Co-Founder WearWell
As Co-Founder & CEO of wearwell, I’m working to change the fashion industry for good. wearwell is a social enterprise creating new avenues to improve human rights and environmental practices in apparel supply chains, which touch…
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Nairobi, Kenya
Chebet Lesan
Chebet Lesan
Founder & CEO BrightGreen Renewable Energy
Chebet is an energetic, diplomatic and self driven designer with a positive attitude and a strong team-spirit. As a quick and resourceful learner, she focuses towards meeting her goals, viewing challenges only as a chance to learn more. She…
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San Francisco, USA
Augustina Sartori
Augmented Reality
Augustina Sartori
Founder & CEO GlamST
Agustina Sartori Odizzio is the CEO and Founder of GlamST, a Virtual Makeup Platform designed for beauty brands and retailers that allows women to try on makeup from anywhere, anytime. The technology can be embedded in mobile apps, e-…
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Camille Bell
Camille Bell
My goal in life is to run and manage a successful cosmetics business. On the road there, I work as the E-Marketing Coordinator at the Community College of Philadelphia and consult small to medium sized businesses in social media and…
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Oakland, USA
Lisa Curtis
Lisa Curtis
Founder & CEO Kuli Kuli Foods
Lisa began working on Kuli Kuli while in the Peace Corps in Niger, West Africa. As a volunteer in her village’s health center, she gained a first-hand understanding of the common nutritional challenges faced in West African villages and…
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Oslo, Norway
Babou Olengha-Aaby
Babou Olengha-Aaby
Founder & CEO 
Babou Olengha-Aaby is the Founder & CEO of The Next Billion, a for profit- for impact driven startup with a vision to ‘change the way we see business’. One woman, one company, one portrait, one feature, one find at a time…
Shared: 3 Viewed: 678
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