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Cape Town, South Africa
Leah Bessa
Leah Bessa
Co-Founder Gourmet Grubb
Leah Bessa is a stirring South Africa woman who has taken a big step outside of many comfort zones when it comes to changing the world’s eating habits and saving the planet. Her plan is for all of us to eat more insects and she has…
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Denver, USA
Lee Mayer
Lee Mayer
Co-Founder & CEO Havenly
In the design world, Lee Mayer is a much needed breath of fresh air. She’s the CEO of Havenly, an affordable online interior design service, and has turned it from a start up into a multi-million dollar company in just a few years…
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Stockholm, Sweden
Lesley Pennington
Lesley Pennington
Founder, Vice Chairman of the Board Bemz
A Canadian newly transplanted to Stockholm, Lesley was keen to adopt the Swedish lifestyle and find a cottage by the water. When it came time to furnish her new abode, naturally she went to IKEA where she chose a white Tomelilla sofa…
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London, UK
Letizia Gionfrida
Letizia Gionfrida
Co-Founder & CEO Arthronica
Letizia Giofrida is the CEO and founder of Arthronica, a digital health tech start-up that spun-out from the bioengineering department of Imperial College London. The aim of the company is to use computer vision to prevent chronic pain and…
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Stockholm, Sweden
Liisa Smits
Liisa Smits
Founder & CEO Ignitia Weather
Liisa is the founder and CEO of Ignitia. When she first started Ignitia, she had one goal in mind – to develop a forecasting model that also worked in the tropics. Under the motto, “While the difficult takes time, the…
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Oakland, USA
Lisa Curtis
Lisa Curtis
Founder & CEO Kuli Kuli Foods
Lisa began working on Kuli Kuli while in the Peace Corps in Niger, West Africa. As a volunteer in her village’s health center, she gained a first-hand understanding of the common nutritional challenges faced in West African villages and…
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Barcelona, Spain
Mar Alarcón Batlle
Consumer Services
Mar Alarcón Batlle
Founder & CEO SocialCar
Easily one of Spain’s foremost entrepreneurs, Mar has her creative fingers in many pies. She’s a published author, renewable energy entrepreneur, tax-specialist, language genius, and passionately active in local public affairs (check…
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