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Munich, Germany
Franziska Reh
Franziska Reh
Co-Founder & CEO  Unconventional Capital
Franziska Reh is the CEO of Unconventional Capital (Uncap) – a fintech company, she co-founded with Elisabeth Mohr in 2019, which is on a mission to revolutionize access to seed funding for entrepreneurs in Sub-Saharan…
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London, UK
Letizia Gionfrida
Letizia Gionfrida
Co-Founder & CEO Arthronica
Letizia Giofrida is the CEO and founder of Arthronica, a digital health tech start-up that spun-out from the bioengineering department of Imperial College London. The aim of the company is to use computer vision to prevent chronic pain and…
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Ontario, Canada
Chrissy Gow
Augmented Reality
Chrissy Gow
Founder AccesAR
Young, healthy, ambitious and successful – Chrissy Gow is an inspiration to young women everywhere. During the working day, though, she is the founder and CEO of social media & interactive augmented reality experts AccessAR…
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Barcelona, Spain
Mar Alarcón Batlle
Consumer Services
Mar Alarcón Batlle
Founder & CEO SocialCar
Easily one of Spain’s foremost entrepreneurs, Mar has her creative fingers in many pies. She’s a published author, renewable energy entrepreneur, tax-specialist, language genius, and passionately active in local public affairs (check…
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Los Angeles, USA
Dolly Singh
Apparel & Fashion
Dolly Singh
Founder & CEO Thesis Couture
In 2011, Dolly Singh was Director of Talent Acquisition for SpaceX, the aerospace company founded by Elon Musk. She hosted dozens of aspiring recruits each week and gave them a tour of the company’s main campus, which had nearly 1M…
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Bergen ,Norway
Monica Vaksdal
Artificial Intelligance
Monica Vaksdal
Founder & CEO Think Outside
If Norway is ever able to reduce its reliance on oil and gas, it will have people like Monica Vaksdal to thank for the post-oil economy that might emerge. Monica is a trained geologist who has worked with the world’s leading oil…
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New York, USA
Ayah Bdeir
Ayah Bdeir
Founder littleBits
Playfulness, intelligence, and creativity are at the core of everything Ayah has achieved. As a child, she enjoyed taking her toys apart to investigate how they fit together and functioned. As she grew older, Ayah turned her love of…
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